Commonly used programming
Here you will find step-by-step plans that explain how to create commonly used programming in a Niko Home Control installation.
Light control
- Switching the light on and off
- Dimmable lamp with specific dimming control
- Dimmable lamp with push button
- Dimmable lamp with push button and specific dimming control
- Automating lamps
- Flashing function
Roll-down shutter control
- Roll-down shutter based on a single push button (from softwareversion 1.13.1 onwards)
- Venetian blind based on a single push button (from softwareversion 1.13.1 onwards)
- Roll-down shutter with double push button
- Roll-down shutter with specific motor control
- Venetian blind with specific motor control
- Automation of roll-down shutters
- Roll down shutters with temperature sensor
- Moods and 'all moods off' (from softwareversion 1.13.1 onwards)
- Mood with dark condition
- Mood with time automation
- Mood with conditions
Touchscreen and smartphone
- Linking actions to a smartphone and/or touchscreen
- 1-button dimming and motor control via smartphone and touchscreen
Central functions
- All off with push button
- Central ventilation system
- Presence simulation
- Panic button
- All off with push button (many functions)
- Blinking lamps with indoor siren
Thermostatic control
- Thermostat as zone regulation
- Programming a time automation for a thermostat
- HVAC thermostat
- Thermostatically controlled actions
Alarm and note
External video unit
- Adding a door lock, call action, chimes and bell buttons to the acces control
- Lamp blinks when doorbell sounds
Motion detection
- Indoor motion detector light and ventilator in a small room
- Indoor motion detectors in a long corridor
Other functions
- Replace a push button without indication LED by a push button with LED (or vice versa)
- Swap actions between two buttons
- Conditions and virtual outputs
- CO2-sensor
- Indication LED for a button that is constantly off
- Setting up an analogue sensor
- Setting up an analogue control module 0-10 V or 1-10 V
- Setting up RF Easywave push buttons/controls
- Setting the indication LED to stay on continuously