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Mood with conditions

The starting point for this step-by-step plan is a project with an All off action.

In this step-by-step plan, a mood is created that automatically starts at a specific time, provided that the All off action is not active.

For detailed instructions regarding the creation of a mood, also refer to the step-by-step plans mood with dark condition and mood with time automation.

If you do not yet have a project, follow the steps in adding a new project and thereafter in drawing a plan or upload a background image.

Click Creation at the top of the screen.

In order to be able to use the All off action as a condition, this action must receive a virtual output.

Click on the All off action in the plan.

Click continue.

You go to the players tab.

Click on add a virtual output.

Drag the virtual output to a logical place.

Assign the virtual output a name in the form of a yes-no question. For example, 'Is All off activated?'

Select the location of the All off input from the selection list.

Click OK.

Click on the virtual output in the plan to couple it to the action.

Click continue.

You go to the basic behaviour tab.

Make sure that the virtual output has the active status under the start behaviour and the inactive status under the stop behaviour.

Click continue.

You go to the conditions tab.

Click continue.

You go to the time automation tab.

Click save.

You return to the start screen of the Creation step.

Continue to create the 'Cleaning' mood. This mood will automatically be started at a fixed time. Therefore an input is not needed.

Click on add an action.

Drag the action to a place that you consider logical and convenient, for example, next to the relevant output.

Assign the action a name that relates to the mood you want to create. 

Select the location of the mood control from the selection list.

Click continue.

You go to the players tab.

Click on the outputs in the plan to couple them to the action for this mood.

Do not yet couple the virtual output of the All off action here; that occurs later as a conditions player.

Click continue.

You go to the basic behaviour tab.

For each coupled output, set the desired start and stop behaviour.

In this example, the 'Cleaning' mood switches on all of the lighting, and the heating is set to a low level. When the mood is deactivated, only the light in the corridor remains on so that the cleaner is not suddenly standing in the dark.

Do not forget to scroll down to the stop behaviour if many outputs are coupled to the action.

Click continue.

You go to the conditions tab.

The 'Cleaning' mood is automated because the cleaner works during a fixed time period in the week. However, the mood may not be activated if the end customer has activated the All off action. 

Click on add a condition.

Assign the condition a recognizable name. For example, 'All off inactive'.

Click no (automation) since the mood is activated at a fixed time.

Click on the virtual output of the All off action to couple it as a condition player to the 'Cleaning' mood.

The standard Advanced settings which the software specifies are not correct. They would result in the 'Cleaning' mood being able to be activated when the All off action is active.  

Click on the arrows in the last line to modify the Advanced settings.

If the All off action is active (yes), nothing happens, not even at the time when the mood should be automatically started. 

If the All off action is inactive (empty), the mood will start. 

Click continue.

You go to the time automation tab.

Click save.

You return to the start screen of the Creation step.

The time condition must now be added.

Click on the action in the plan. 

Click continue.

You go to the basic behaviour tab.

Click continue.

You go to the conditions tab.

Click continue.

Click on add a time condition.

Enter a start time, a frequency and a duration.  

Click OK.

Adjust the Advanced settings so that the 'Cleaning' action only starts if the All off action is deactivated at the time condition.

Click continue.

You cannot have this action start automatically with time automation. 

Click save.

You return to the start screen of the Creation step.

You can now continue with the Cabinet set-up step.

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