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What can you do with Niko Home Control?

By using Niko Home Control with your Vaillant system, you can do the following:

Connected systems supported by 


myVaillant app

Check and control the room temperature (one zone)

Check and control the room temperature (more zones)

Check the outside temperature

Choose the heating program mode (home, away)

Choose the operation mode (summer, winter, frost guard)

Check and boost the temperature of the hot water system (*)

Choose the heating program mode (off, manual, schedule, away, boost) (*)

(*) Boost is only available for domestic hot water


The Vaillant functions automatically appear in your Niko Home app and on your touchscreen after you activate the link between both systems. To control the Vaillant functions on your Digital bIack, select the Vaillant controls for your Digital black in the Niko Home app or configure the Digital black in the Niko Home Control programming software.
The functions can also be combined in routines to control multiple items simultaneously at the simple press of a button.

  • The available functionality within Niko Home Control depends upon the specific installation features of the Vaillant system.

  • You can always use the vSMART/eRELAX app or myVaillant app for more advanced settings and configurations. The SENSO app does not support Niko Home Control. 

What do you need?

In short

Extra information


  • No additional electrical wiring is required.

  • You have a computer with a web browser and an internet connection to set up the link between both systems.

Your Niko Home Control installation meets the following requirements:

  • It has a wireless smart hub or a connected controller.

  • It is configured with the most recent programming software (version 2.17 or higher).

  • It has an active internet connection.

  • It is registered.

  • You have your Niko Home Control installation e-mail address and password on hand.

  • If you want to use the Vaillant functions in combination with Niko Home Control routines, these routines need to be programmed with the Niko Home Control programming software after the link has been activated.

If you have not registered your Niko Home Control installation, go to

Your Vaillant system meets the following requirements:

  • It is a Vaillant boiler/heat pump having an eBUS connection.

  • It has one or more of the following thermostats:

    • a thermostat supported by the vSMART/eRELAX app

    • a sensoCOMFORT VRC 720, sensoHOME VRT 380, sensoROOM VRT 51f thermostat supported by the MyVaillant app

  • It has an active internet connection.

  • It is registered

  • You have your registration e-mail address on hand.

  • It has a Vaillant communication unit, and you have its serial number on hand.

You can find the serial number of the communication unit:

  • on the backside or the inside of the unit below the barcode

  • in the vSMART/eRELAX app or the myVaillant app

How do you activate the link between your Niko Home Control and your Vaillant system?

If you only want to control your partner system with the Niko Home app, a touchscreen or a Digital Black activating the connected service in the Niko Home Control programming software suffices.

  1. Check if you have everything you need (see above).

  2. Activate the Vaillant connected service in the Dashboard menu. Doing this, you already can control your Vaillant system via the Niko Home app and a touchscreen. To control the Vaillant functions on your Digital bIack, select the Vaillant controls for your Digital black in the Niko Home app or configure the Digital black in the Niko Home Control programming software.
    If you want to use your Vaillant system as a part of your configuration (use the system in routines and/or conditions), follow the additional steps below.

  3.  Add one or both of the following devices:

    • generic heating Vaillant

    • generic warm water Vaillant

  4. Create the desired routines and/or conditions with the Vaillant device(s).

  5. Address the Vaillant devices.

  6. Upload the configuration file to your installation.

How do you deactivate the link between your Niko Home Control and your Vaillant system?

  1. Deactivate the Vaillant connected service in the Dashboard menu.
    If you used your Vaillant system as a part of your configuration (used the system in routines and/or conditions), follow the additional steps below.

  2. Remove the generic heating Vaillant device and/or generic warm water Vaillant device from the floor plan.

  3. Upload the configuration file to your installation.

After deactivating the link, the following happens:

  • The Vaillant functions disappear from your Niko Home app, your touchscreen and your Digital black.

  • When used in Niko Home Control routines, the Vaillant functions will not be executed anymore.

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