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What can you do with Niko Home Control?

By using Niko Home Control, you can do the following:

  • charge your car as efficiently as possible in one of the following modes: 

    • Solar mode

    • Normal mode

    • Smart mode (as of software version 2.21)

    • Boost mode (as of software version 2.21)

  • pause or stop the charging of your car

When charging your car using Niko Home Control, the following features are supported:

  • Load balancing: i.e. the car's charging power is adapted automatically as a fuse overload protection mechanism

  • Control your peak consumption via the Niko Home app. See Energy management for car chargers

  • Control max. 4 electric vehicle charging sockets/connections in one Niko Home Control installation (as of software version 2.21). These 4 sockets can be a combination of multiple brands supported by Niko Home Control


What do you need?

In short

Extra information


  • No additional electrical wiring is required.

  • You have connected Niko Home Control to the home network.

  • You have connected the home network and the Easee charger to the internet.

Your Niko Home Control installation meets the following requirements:

  • You have an Easee charger.

  • You have a user account for the Easee app.

  • It needs to be active and configured with the Easee configuration tools to guarantee correct operation.

  • It is connected to the internet (via your home network or via the mobile network).

  • Note that your Easee charger cannot be equipped with the Equalizer load balancing extension, as Niko Home Control will optimise your energy consumption.

How do you activate the link between your Niko Home Control and your Easee EV charging station?

  1. Check if you have everything you need (see above).

  2. Activate the Easee connected service in the Dashboard menu. Doing this, you already can control your Easee system via the Niko Home app and a touchscreen. To control the Easee functions on your Digital bIack, select the Easee controls for your Digital black in the Niko Home app or configure the Digital black in the Niko Home Control programming software. See Energy management of car chargers.

  3. Add a device generic car charger Easee to the floor plan.

  4. (optional) Create the desired routines and/or conditions with the device. You cannot add the generic car charger Easee to the routines Solar mode and Peak mode.

  5. Address the generic car charger Easee.

  6. Upload the configuration file to your installation.

How do you deactivate the link between your Niko Home Control and your Easee EV charging station?

  1. Deactivate the Easee connected service in the Dashboard menu.
    If you used your Easee system as a part of your configuration (used the system in routines and/or conditions), follow the additional steps below.

  2. Remove the generic car charger Easee from the floor plan.

  3. Upload the configuration file to your installation.

After deactivating the link, the following happens:

  • The Easee functions disappear from your Niko Home app and your Digital black.

  • When used in Niko Home Control routines, the Easee functions will not be executed anymore.

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