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Manual use

In an installation without a wireless smart hub (552-00001) you can use the connected socket outlet to switch the plugged-in device on and off by pressing the LED button on the connected socket outlet.

Connect the power supply to the installation.

Behaviour of the connected socket outlet

Press the LED button on the connected socket outlet to switch the connected socket outlet on or off.

  • In manual use you cannot disable the local switching button of the connected socket outlet (e.g. somebody can switch off your fridge by accident). In connected use, you can disable the local switching button via the Niko Home Control programming software.
  • When you press the LED button 3x or more within 6 s the connected socket outlet goes into connecting mode (LED blinks blue) for max. 300 s. This process cannot be interrupted by the user.

LED behaviour on the connected socket outlet

The LED colours white when the connected socket outlet is on.

The LED switches off when the connected socket outlet is switched off.

Energy consumption measurement

After powering, the connected socket outlet starts accumulating energy consumption data of the plugged-in device. You can consult this consumption data once the connected socket outlet is connected to a Niko Home Control installation. More information see connected use.

Protection mechanism

The connected socket outlet has a standard built-in overtemperature and overcurrent protection.

The connected socket outlet automatically switches off and the LED button colours red in the following cases:

  • A malfunctioning plugged-in device causes an overcurrent above 16 A for more than 10 s.
  • An internal overtemperature of the connected socket outlet occurs.

Always remove the malfunctioning plugged-in device before re-activating the connected socket outlet. To re-activate the connected socket outlet press the LED button once.

After a temperature overload, it will take up to 5 min before you can re-activate the connected socket outlet (thermal hysteresis mechanism).

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