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Daikin: Multi-zone heat pump control via API

After upgrading your Niko Home Control installation to software version 2.22, your Daikin integration will be interrupted. You will need to reactivate the Daikin integration in the programming software, to use the enhanced version of the API connection with security upgrades.

What do you need?

Niko requirements

Your Niko Home Control installation meets the following requirements:

  • If you want to use the Daikin functions in combination with Niko Home Control actions, these actions need to be programmed with the Niko Home Control programming software after the link has been activated.

Daikin requirements

Your system meets the following requirements:

  • It has an active internet connection.

  • It is equipped with a wireless/wired LAN adapter.

  • It is registered with the Daikin ONECTA app and you have your Daikin user account and password on hand.

Your system is one of the following Daikin products*:

Air-to-water heat pump

Daikin Altherma

Air-to-air heat pump

Daikin residential air-to-air heat pump system (split/multi-split air conditioning system)

*Consult the website of the supplier for detailed specifications and the latest products.

You can find the list of all ONECTA compatible systems on the Daikin website:

Programming the Daikin system

Du kan (de)aktivere partnerintegrationen i Niko Home Control-programmeringssoftwaren. Rådfør dig med din professionelle installatør. Du kan finde krav og detaljerede instruktioner i softwaremanualen.

Bemærk, at en basisprogrammering og et scenarie, der er forbundet med dit partnersystem, også bliver opdateret via programmeringssoftwaren.

  • Du aktiverer linket i menuen Oversigt. Du finder fremgangsmåden her.

  • Du deaktiverer linket i menuen Oversigt. Du finder fremgangsmåden her.
    Når du har deaktiveret linket, sker følgende:

    • De relaterede funktioner vil forsvinde fra dine Niko Home Control-app.

    • Dine relaterede data i Niko Home Control vil gå tabt.

Depending on the type of heat pump system, the following functions automatically appear in your Niko Home app and on your touchscreens after you activate the link between both systems:

Air-to-water heat pumps

Air-to-air heat pumps

Control and monitor the room temperature

Monitor the outside temperature

Control and monitor the program routine (e.g. holiday, automatic)

Control and monitor the operation routine (e.g. heating, cool, auto)

Monitor and set the heating/cooling system operation status (on or off)

Monitor and boost the hot water system

Control and monitor the hot water system program routine (e.g. holiday, scheduling)

Monitor, set and boost the fan speed

You can always use the Daikin ONECTA app for more advanced settings and configurations. The Daikin Online Controller app does not support Niko Home Control.

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