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What are notifications?

Notifications are messages that are sent from the installation to a touchscreen, smartphone or tablet. We distinguish between:

  • push notifications

  • informative notifications 

Notifications can be part of certain routines, or you can create notifications as you like using conditions.

Notifications are available in both installation types, bus and traditional wiring. Depending on your installation type, the possibilities may differ.

Difference between push and informative notifications 

The table below illustrates the difference between a push notification and an informative notification:

Push notification (alert)

Informative notification


Important, must be read immediately.

Less important, does not need to be read immediately.


  • Pop-up on touchscreen

  • Push notification on smartphone or tablet, even when the app is closed

  • Icon on touchscreen

  • Icon on smartphone or tablet, only when the app is open

How to create?

Creating a notification in a condition


Push notification for when the security alarm goes off

Informative notification in a condition

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