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Troubleshooting the Danfoss Icon Zigbee module

When using the Niko Home app


Proposed solution


During the pairing process the LED behaviour on the Danfoss Zigbee module is 5x

followed by

Factory reset the Danfoss Zigbee module and restart the complete onboarding process.

The Zigbee pairing process was interrupted.

During the pairing process the LED on the Danfoss Zigbee module remains off.

Start the onboarding process in the Niko Home app before you pair the Danfoss Zigbee module with the wireless smart hub.

The onboarding process has not started.

During the pairing process the LED behaviour on the Danfoss Zigbee module is

 for 3 min, 5 x 

  1. Close the onboarding screen in the Niko Home app.

  2. Check the distance between the module and the wireless smart hub.

    1. Execute a ping test.

    2. Put the devices closer together.

    3. Add a Zigbee repeater

  3. When the problem is not resolved, contact your HVAC installer to replace the module.

  4. When the problem is resolved, restart the onboarding process.

The Danfoss Zigbee module and the wireless smart hub are out of range. The indoor range is ± 10 m for Zigbee devices. For more information see Zigbee network principle.

During the pairing process the LED behaviour on the Danfoss Zigbee module is

 2 times /s for 30 s, 5 x 

  1. Close the onboarding screen in the Niko Home app.

  2. Check if the wireless smart hub is powered on. If not, power on the device.

  3. Factory reset the Danfoss Zigbee module.

  4. Check the distance between the module and the wireless smart hub.

    1. Execute a ping test.

    2. Put the devices closer together.

    3. Add a Zigbee repeater

  5. When the problem is resolved, restart the onboarding process.

Zigbee pairing started but failed.

For some reason, you interrupted the onboarding process after successfully pairing the Danfoss Zigbee module and the wireless smart hub. The LED behaviour is

for 30 s, followed
by and finally

Continue with the process at any time by reopening the onboarding screens in the Niko Home app.

Manual interruption of the onboarding process.

When using the Niko Home Control programming software


Proposed solution


During the pairing process the LED behaviour on the Danfoss Zigbee module is 5x

followed by

Perform a factory reset the Danfoss Zigbee module and restart the complete addressing process.

The Zigbee pairing process was interrupted.

During the pairing process the LED on the Danfoss Zigbee module remains off.

Start the addressing process in the Niko Home Control programming software before you pair the Danfoss Zigbee module with the wireless smart hub.

During the pairing process the LED behaviour on the Danfoss Zigbee module is

 for 3 min, 5 x 

  1. Close the Address overview window in the Niko Home Control programming software.

  2. Check the distance between the module and the wireless smart hub.

    1. Execute a ping test.

    2. Put the devices closer together.

    3. Add a Zigbee repeater

  3. When the problem is not resolved, contact your HVAC installer to replace the module.

  4. When the problem is resolved, restart the addressing process.

The Danfoss Zigbee module and the wireless smart hub are out of range.The indoor range is ± 10 m for Zigbee devices. For more information see Zigbee network principle.

During the pairing process the LED behaviour on the Danfoss Zigbee module is

 2 times /s for 30 s, 5 x 

  1. Close the Address overview window in the Niko Home Control programming software.

  2. Check if the wireless smart hub is powered on. If not, power on the device.

  3. Perform a factory reset the Danfoss Zigbee module.

  4. Check the distance between the module and the wireless smart hub.

    1. Execute a ping test.

    2. Put the devices closer together.

    3. Add a Zigbee repeater

  5. When the problem is resolved, restart the addressing process.

Zigbee pairing started but failed.

You interrupted the onboarding process for any reason after a successful pairing van the Danfoss Zigbee module. The LED behaviour is

for 30 s, followed
by and finally

Continue with the process any time by reopening the Address overview window - Controls and devices in the Niko Home Control programming software.

Manual interruption of the onboarding process.

You started the addressing process, but you forgot to create the generic heating devices in the Niko Home Control programming software.

  1. Cancel the addressing process.

  2. Create the device in the Create overview window.

  3. Restart the addressing process. Pairing the Danfoss module and the wireless smart hub is not necessary.

You addressed the wrong thermostat to the generic heating device in the Niko Home Control programming software.

  1. In the right-hand bar of the Address overview window (Controls and devices) click the cross sign next to the device to delete it.

  2. Click on the plus sign of the device on the floor plan.

  3. Change the set point temperature on the thermostat.

Executing a ping test

A ping test can only be executed when the Danfoss Zigbee module is already paired with the wireless smart hub. If this has not happened yet, the pairing process starts automatically when you execute the ping test.

Briefly push the button

The ping test is OK when:

  1. The LED blinks green.

  2. The LED is continuously green for 3 min.

  3. The LED is off.

The ping test is not OK when:

  1. The LED blinks green.

  2. The LED blinks red 5 times.

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