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Gree: Multi-zone air conditioning control via HVAC interface (CoolMaster)

What do you need?

Niko requirements

Your Niko Home Control installation meets the following requirements:

You need the following additional Niko product(s):

Gree requirements

Your system meets the following requirements:

  • It is a VRV or VRF HVAC system.

  • The complete HVAC system is from the same brand.

Wiring diagram

For more information and complete installation instructions, consult the hardware manual of the HVAC interface (CoolMaster)

Bus connections on Gree/GMV4 VRF indoor unit: G1, G2


Configure the CoolMaster via the Niko Home Control programming software. Create a virtual HVAC thermostat for each zone and link it to the indoor unit(s) using the routine HVAC per thermostat; see

After uploading the new configuration, the virtual HVAC thermostat(s) will appear in your Niko Home app in the Control tab. By editing this control, you can easily adjust the default settings for various programs and modes.

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