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What can you do with Comelit and Niko Home Control?

This connection is only available as of version 2.22 of the programming software (released beginning of 2025).

Use the Niko Home app on your indoor unit

If the indoor unit of your apartment building's access control system supports Niko Home Control, you can use the Niko Home app on it. You can easily control all functionalities of your Niko Home Control installation via the same screen as the access control system at a central location in your flat.

You can for example perform the following actions:

  • Switch lights on/off

  • Activate routines and scenes

  • Control all systems in the ecosystem, such as blinds, heating/cooling and audio

We recommend the following options to make even better use of this connection:

What do you need?

Niko requirements

Your Niko Home Control installation meets the following requirements:

  • Automatic software upgrades are enabled.

Comelit requirements

Your system meets the following requirements:

  • The access control system is installed as a combined solution for an entire apartment building consisting of at least four flats.

  • The indoor unit is connected to a Wi-Fi router (2,4 GHz) that creates a local home network inside your flat.

  • The indoor unit is connected to the same local home network as the Niko Home Control installation.

  • The indoor unit has an active internet connection to allow software upgrades.

  • The Niko Home app needs to be enabled on the indoor unit, via the Comelit VIP manager application. Make sure that the indoor unit has an active internet connection, when you change this setting.

Your system is one of the following Comelit products*:

Indoor monitor

  • 6855W

  • 6855B

*Consult the website of the supplier for detailed specifications and the latest products.

The Niko Home app is included in the Comelit device. Niko is continuously working on improvements to the Niko Home app. However, the installation of the Niko Home app on the Comelit device is entirely dependent on the software and associated upgrades on this monitor.
Consequently, future Niko Home app upgrades on your device may be limited by the availability and timing of the software ugrades of the Comelit device itself.

For questions regarding the functions and upgrades of the Comelit device, please refer to Comelit.

For questions about the Niko Home app and related functions, please contact Niko customer services.

Programming of the Comelit connection

The Niko Home app needs to be enabled on the indoor unit, via the Comelit VIP manager application.

To activate the connection, you need to log in to the Niko Home app on the Comelit indoor unit. To deactivate the connection, you just log out.

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