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Electricity reading on eco-display from software version 1.9 onwards

This step-by-step plan shows you how to add electricity measuring to your installation in the Niko Home Control software for version 1.9 and newer.

The starting point for this step-by-step plan is a project for which the Project information has already been entered, for which a drawn or uploaded plan is available and to which several inputs, outputs and actions have already been added.

If you do not yet have a project, follow the steps in Add new project and thereafter in Drawing a plan or Upload a background image.

Go to Creation in the menu at the top of the screen.

Click on add an input.

On the left, you now see the plan of the home and on the right is a selection list.

Click on electricity reading in the selection list.

The icon appears on the plan.

Drag the icon to a place on the plan that you consider logical and convenient.

Assign the input a recognizable name.

Select a location from the selection list or add a location if the location has not previously been defined.

Click on modify basic settings.

A pop-up window appears.

Under name on eco-display, assign the reading a recognizable name. This name will be shown on the eco-display and is limited in length to 14 characters. If you do not enter a name here, the eco-display will show only the electricity reading icon without any name. 

Tip: Check the name on the eco-display; some characters are less legible than others and too many characters make the display too cluttered.

Indicate whether the reading is a global reading, a consumption sub-reading or a yield sub-reading. Only 1 global reading for electricity is possible per installation. Also indicate the type of reading, single- or triple-phase. For triple-phase readings, an electricity measuring module with 3 channels is needed in the electrical cabinet, and all of the contacts are engaged with 1 assignment. 

A 63A current clamp is included standard with the electricity measuring module (1 and 3 channels). If you have a 120A current clamp, you must select that here. 

Reading options: Global reading is shown as a total on the eco-display, on the touchscreen and in the app. Sub-readings are shown individually. A yield reading, for example, can be generated from solar panels. Yield readings are always shown as negative values relative to the other readings.
Reading type: Depending on the electrical installation, a single- or a triple-phase reading is made. These options require different modules. It is also possible to load readings via pulse counter.

Click save. 

The pop-up window closes.

Click save.The electricity reading settings are saved.

Click on add an input.On the right, you now see a selection list.

Click on eco-display in the selection list.

The icon appears on the plan.

Drag the icon to the right place on the plan.

Assign the input a recognizable name.

Select a location from the selection list or add a location if the location has not previously been defined.

Click on modify basic settings.

A pop-up window appears.

If you want only the global readings to appear on the eco-display, then select default under mode. These were in fact the same readings that were shown in installations with software versions older than 1.9.

Select manual under mode if you want a selection of all of the readings to appear on the eco-display. You select the desired energy readings from the uppermost list by clicking on the X in the relevant line. Then click on + to add this reading to the list below it. A maximum of 10 readings can be added to this list and therefore be displayed on the eco-display. You can change the position of a reading in the list by clicking on the arrows at the end of the line and dragging, and you can delete a reading from the list by clicking on the red X at the end of the relevant line.

If you then click on default under mode, the settings that were created under manual mode remain saved in the background. They will not be lost; they are simply re-selected when you click on manual mode again. 

Click save.

You return to the start screen of the Creation step.

Now continue with Cabinet set-up and Realisation.

The choice of module in the electrical cabinet depends on the type of reading.       
- Single-phase: Electricity measuring module with 1 channel or with 3 channels.
- Triple-phase: Electricity measuring module with three channels.
- Pulse: Pulse counter.

Energy software for PC and MAC: With the energy software, the end user gains insight into the electricity, gas and water consumption as well as the yield of photovoltaic solar panels. More information and a downloadable version are available on our website:
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