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General solution: Multi-zone heat pump control via wired connection

What do you need?

Niko requirements

Your Niko Home Control installation meets the following requirements:

You need to install the following additional products:

  • One heating or cooling module for Niko Home Control (550-00150) per four zones

  • A switching module for Niko Home Control (550-00103 or 550-00106) with at least one free output

  • A digital potential-free sensor module for Niko Home Control (550-00210) with at least one free input

  • If the output contact on your heat pump system is not potential-free, you need an additional potential-free contact module (e.g. Finder

  • One thermostat per zone:

Third party requirements

Your system meets the following requirements:

  • It is a heat pump system that supports:

    • heating only

    • heating/cooling

  • It has a buffer tank, connected in parallel, as well as an additional bypass circuit.

  • The heat pump has a contact that indicates whether the heating/cooling mode is active.

Wiring diagram for multi-zone heating/cooling

The wiring diagram below shows how you can use Niko Home Control with your heat pump system and enable Niko routines for multi-zone heating/cooling.

The heating/cooling mode switchover is initiated by the partner system; pump control is not needed. A contact on the heat pump provides the signal to the Niko Home Control installation to switch from heating to cooling mode and vice versa.

Via potential-free contacts

Connect the contact on the heat pump to an input of the Niko Home Control digital potential-free sensor module:

Wiring diagram Viessmann

Via 230V contacts

Connect the contacts on the heat pump via an external 230V to potential free relay to an input of the Niko Home Control digital potential-free sensor module:


Configure the heating or cooling module, switching module, potential-free sensor module and thermostats via the Niko Home Control programming software.

You can use the following programming example as inspiration or as a starting point:

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