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Daikin: Multi-zone air conditioning control via HVAC interface (CooLinkHub with CoolPlugs)

What do you need?

Niko requirements

Your Niko Home Control installation meets the following requirements:

You need the following additional Niko products:

  • You need one starter kit (contains one CooLinkHub and one CoolPlug).

  • You can add up to nine extensions to connect more indoor units.

  • Optionally, you can add a Digital black to control the HVAC system via a wall-mounted display.

Each indoor unit requires a CoolPlug that is compatible with the brand and type of your HVAC system. Choose the starter kit and extensions that contain the appropriate CoolPlugs (that can be connected to the terminals of your indoor units).

Daikin requirements

Your system meets the following requirements:

  • It is a Split, Multi-Split, or Mini-Split HVAC system.

  • Each indoor unit has the required connection terminals as described in the installation instructions of the corresponding CoolPlug.

Wiring diagrams

For more information and complete installation instructions, consult the hardware manual of the HVAC interface (CooLinkHub with CoolPlugs)

Wired connection between CooLinkHub and CoolPlugs

Wireless connection between CooLinkHub and CoolPlugs

  1. Electrical cabinet

  2. Connected controller

  3. Digital black

  4. PBUS cable (2-wire, shielded, twisted pair 20-24 AWG)

  1. Electrical cabinet

  2. Connected controller

  3. Digital black

  4. 2.4 GHz mesh network

Use the HVAC manufacturer's installation manual to determine the type of terminals and their location on the HVAC indoor unit. Choose one of the wired connections below:

Daikin (excl. Daikin Siesta)

Connection diagram



When connecting to P1 & P2:

  1. Connect the P1 and P2 terminals on the CoolPlug to the P1 and P2 terminals on the indoor unit.

  2. Connect the CoolPlug to the CooLinkHub via a wired or wireless connection.

  3. Optional: Connect the Wired Remote Controller (WRC) in parallel with the CoolPlug.


When connecting to S21:

  1. Connect the S21 cable supplied with the CoolPlug between the Indoor connector (bottom S21 socket) on the CoolPlug and the S21 port on the indoor unit’s PCB.

  2. Connect the CoolPlug to the CooLinkHub via a wired or wireless connection.

  3. Optional: Connect a cable between the Wired Remote Controller (WRC) and the WRC socket (top S21 socket) on the CoolPlug.


When connecting to S403 using KRP980B1 adapter (Daikin product):

  1. Connect the S21 cable supplied with the CoolPlug between the Indoor connector (bottom S21 socket) on the CoolPlug and the S21 port on the KRP980B1 adapter’s PCB.

  2. Connect the CoolPlug to the CooLinkHub via a wired or wireless connection.

  3. Optional: Connect a cable between the Wired Remote Controller (WRC) and the WRC socket (top S21 socket) on the CoolPlug.

Daikin Siesta

Connection diagram


  1. Connect the cable supplied with the CoolPlug between the Indoor connector on the CoolPlug and the corresponding connector on the indoor unit.

  2. Connect the CoolPlug to the CooLinkHub via a wired or wireless connection.

  3. Optional: Connect a cable between the Wired Remote Controller (WRC) and the WRC socket on the CoolPlug. The cable is supplied with the WRC.


Configure the CooLinkHub and CoolPlugs via the Niko Home Control programming software. Create a virtual HVAC thermostat for each zone and link it to the indoor unit(s) using the routine HVAC per thermostat; see

After uploading the new configuration, the virtual HVAC thermostat(s) will appear in your Niko Home app in the Control tab. By editing this control, you can easily adjust the default settings for various programs and modes.

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