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Thies Clima

What can you do with Thies Clima and Niko Home Control?

Automate your shutters and blinds based on weather conditions

Hvis du tilslutter en vejrstation til Niko Home Control, kan du betjene og automatisere tilsluttede enheder alt efter vejrforholdene.

Hvis du allerede har tilsluttet dine skodder og persienner, kan du for eksempel automatisere følgende programmeringer:

  • Luk, når det blæser for meget

  • Luk, når det regner for meget

  • Luk, når rumtemperaturen er for høj, og solen skinner på vinduerne

Vi anbefaler følgende muligheder for at udnytte denne tilslutning optimalt:

Få vist temperaturen og/eller fugtigheden målt af vejrstationen i fanen 'Klima' i Niko Home-appen.

What do you need?

Also check the requirements for the shutters and blinds. For more information about compatible shutters and blinds, see Betjen dine skodder og persienner.

Niko requirements

Your Niko Home Control installation meets the following requirements:

You need to install the following additional product(s):

  • One or multiple analogue sensor modules: 550-00230

You can connect up to three different signals (weather conditions monitored by the station) to an analogue sensor module. If you need more signals, you can add additional sensor modules to your Niko Home Control installation.

Thies Clima requirements

  • The weather station typically has capabilities to monitor (one or several of) the following weather conditions:

    • Wind velocity

    • Temperature

    • Precipitation (yes/no)

    • Brightness

    • Twilight

  • It has a 0-10 V analogue output signal for each weather condition to be monitored.

Your system is one of the following Thies Clima products*:

Weather station

  • Clima Sensor D

*Consult the website of the supplier for detailed specifications and the latest products.

Wiring diagrams

Connect the analogue signals of the weather station to an analogue input module. The wiring diagram below only serves as an example, you can connect various signals such as:

  • Wind speed

  • Rain/precipitation detection

  • Brightness

  • Twilight


Programming of the Thies Clima connection

Konfigurer vejrstationen via Niko Home Control programmeringssoftwaren. Se Opret en betingelse for flere oplysninger.

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