Starting point


In this example we will create a control, for instance a single push button.

  1. In the right-hand button bar, click on the button Add players.
    The Add players pane appears and shows the categories into which the players are subdivided. 
  2. You now have the choice:

    • If you tick the selection box Skip detailed parameters for each player, you can quickly add several players by clicking on them. However, you will then need to enter the parameters or linked actions for each player afterwards.

    • If you tick the selection box Skip detailed parameters for each player, you will need to set the parameters or actions for the current player immediately.

  3. Click on the arrow next to the desired category to open that category.

  4. Select the desired room at the top of the pane or click on the room where you want to place the player.
  5. Select the desired player.
    Result: The chosen player is placed in the selected room.

    In this example we will select the room 'Kitchen' and a single push button as a player.
  6. If you wish, you can modify the name of the player.
  7. Adjust the parameters if necessary. 
  8. Drag the player to the correct location on the floor plan.
  9. Click the Close button to return to the Add players pane.
  10. Click the Close button to return to the Create pane.

If you drag a player to a different room, the Room field in the pane will automatically be updated.


See an example here. Turn on the sound to watch the video.

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