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NIBE - API connection (for energy, ventilation control and heating/cooling)

The API connection is not available anymore. NIBE upgraded their systems to a new cloud platform (myuplink platform), which is not compatible with the API supported by Niko Home Control.

Use one of the other solutions to connect your NIBE system to your Niko Home Control installation:

What do you need?

In short

Extra information


  • No additional electrical wiring is required.

  • You have a computer with a web browser and internet connection to set up the link between both systems.

Your Niko Home Control installation meets the following requirements:

  • It has a wireless smart hub or a connected controller II.

  • It is configured with the most recent programming software (version 2.17 or higher).

  • It has an active internet connection.

  • It is registered.

  • If you want to use the partner functions in combination with Niko Home Control actions, use the Niko Home Control programming software to program these actions after the link has been activated.

If you have not registered your Niko Home Control installation, go to

Your partner system meets the following requirements:

  • It is a NIBE F-series heat pump or ventilation.

  • It is compatible with NIBE Uplink.

  • It has an active internet connection.

  • It is registered and you have your NIBE Uplink account and password on hand.

It is advised to configure the parameters in peak mode and solar mode as follows:

Solar mode

  • Level of excess solar energy that activates the device: 25 % of the heat pump compressor power

  • How long should the amount of excess solar energy be present before activating the device? 10 minutes

  • Minimum activation duration: 30 minutes

  • Optionally: define the latest start time and duration to ensure that the device is activated before the peak hours

Peak mode

  • Maximum power consumption: 100 % of the heat pump compressor power

  • Minimum activation duration: 30 minutes

  • Peak target value: the maximum power level that should trigger the devices to turn off

  • Peak mode type: Predictive

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