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Player status

What is the Player status?

The routine Player status makes it possible to display the status (ON/OFF) of a device on the touchscreen, the Digital black, in the app or with the LED of a push button.

For example, your customer works late at night at the living room table. He wants to know if the children switched off the light in the bedroom. By creating a Player status routine the status of the LED of the push button in the living room indicates whether the lights in de bedroom are on or off. On the touchscreen, Digital black and in the app your customer can also check the status of the light in the bedroom.

Starting point

  • You have created, for instance, the following controls and devices :
    • switched lighting circuits
    • a push button with LED
  • You have created a basic action to control the switched lighting circuit in the living room.
  • You are in the Create overview window.


  1. In the right-hand button bar, click on the Routine button.
    The Routine pane appears.
  2. Choose the room as follows:
    • Choose Room from the drop-down list.
    • Click on the room in the drawing area or select it from the drop-down list. 
  3. Click on the arrow next to the category   Free function.
  4. Click on Player status.
  5. Give the routine a name.
  6. Set the behaviour as follows:

    AChoose the device for which you want to see the status. 

    Click on the plus sign of the device that you want to include in the routine.

    B(optional) Choose the LED of a push button on which you want to see the status.

    Click on the plus sign of the push button.

  7. Under Parameters, set the following:

    Invert LED feedback


    • Check:  the LED is off when the lamp is on.
    • Uncheck: the LED is on when the lamp is on.

    Feedback shown on the app and Digital Black if this routine is inactive


    • Add the message that you wish to see on the touchscreen, the Digital black or in the app when the lighting is off.
    • Max. 50 characters
    • Standard text: Device is turned off
    Feedback shown on the app and Digital Black if this routine is active


    • Add the message that you wish to see on the touchscreen, the Digital black or in the app when the lighting is on.
    • Max. 50 characters
    • Standard text: Device is turned on

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