Creating and modifying touchscreen profiles
Starting point
- You have created basic actions and/or routines .
- You are in the Dashboard overview window.
Creating a touchscreen profile
- Click on Add profile.
- In the window section General, fill in the profile name.
- In the window section Security, you set whether the profile is active or not and define a password for the profile.
- In the window section Functionalities, you enable or disable access control, energy and notifications.
- In the window section Rooms, basic actions and routines, you show or hide rooms and/or basic actions and/or routines on your touchscreen.
- Click the Close button to return to the Dashboard overview window.
Modifying a touchscreen profile
- Click on the touchscreen profile
- Make the necessary changes; to do so, see steps 2 to 5 in the above procedure.
- Click the Close button to return to the Dashboard overview window.