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Adding an extra bell push button for access control before software version 1.10

Please note: This action must only be completed if the installation includes an extra, stand-alone bell push button that is separate from the external video unit.

The starting point for this step-by-step plan is a project for which the Project information has already been entered and for which a drawn or uploaded plan is available.

Click Creation.

You go to the start screen of the Creation step:

Click on add an action.

In the name field, enter #bell#..., adding, for example, the name of the location of the bell push button.

Click continue.

Click add an extra input.

Add the extra input here.

This can be either a single push button (with LED) or a push-button interface behind a (bell) push button. The configuring procedure for these two options is approximately identical.

In the example shown here, we use a push-button interface.

Select 4-fold push button.

We recommend connecting the bell push button with the red and blue wires.

Click save.

Assign the input a name

Click save.

Click on add a virtual output

Assign it a name, if desired.

Click OK.

Click on the input to couple it to the action.

Select 1 of the 4 push buttons. If you have connected the bell push button to the red and blue wires, select the upper left button.

Please note! If the connection was made with other wires, select the appropriate push button.

Click on the virtual output to couple it to your action

Click continue to move to the basic behaviour tab.

Make no changes under the basic behaviour tab.

Click continue.

Make no changes under the conditions tab.

Click continue

Click on stop this action automatically after a specific time.

Enter 1 next to the seconds field under this action stops automatically after.

Click save.

Click on add a touchscreen.

Please note! The bell push button action only works when a touchscreen is linked to the installation.

Click on the action to couple it to the touchscreen.

Click save.

You return to the start screen of the Creation step.

our action has been created.

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