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Jaga - Heating and cooling with 6 zones

Use case

Your customer has one of the following Jaga radiator systems with 6 zones:

  • a Strada Hybrid or Clima Canal equipped with a Jaga Dynamic Product Controller or  

  • a Briza

Each zone is equipped with a zone valve controlled by a thermostat. 

When heating/cooling is required, your customer wants to control the speed of the ventilators mounted on the radiators with the Niko Home app:

  • low (30%)

  • medium (60%)

  • high (100%)

  • boost (100% for 15 min)

When heating/cooling is activated, the ventilator speed is set to 60% for heating and 100% for cooling.

When no heating is required, your customer cannot activate the ventilators.

You can also use push buttons with LED(s) and comfort sensors instead of thermostats, or a combination of both.


Creating the controls and the devices
  1. Create the thermostats (THT1 to THT6).

  2. Create the zone valves (VALVE1 to VALVE6).

  3. Create a heating system (H/C1).

  4. Create the digital sensors (SENS1 to SENS6) for heating/cooling requirement.

  5. Create the other switched devices (OUT1 to OUT6) for controlling the 230 V to the zone valves.

  6. Create the analogue outputs (OUT7 to OUT12) for controlling the fans.

Creating the routine

Create a routine Heating/cooling per circuit (ROUT1). Use the following behaviour:

  • Select the heating system (H/C1).

  • Define the heating zones. Combine the correct thermostat with the corresponding zone valve (THT1 and VALVE1, THT2 and VALVE2,...).

  • (optional) Create notifications.

Creating the routines

In Z1,

  1. Create a routine Scene (ROUT2) to define the ventilation speed "low". Use the following behaviour:

    1. Select the device that is part of the routine : analogue output OUT7

    2. Set the parameter level to 30%

  2. Create a routine Scene (ROUT3) to define the ventilation speed "medium". Use the following behaviour:

    1. Select the device that is part of the routine: analogue output OUT7

    2. Set the parameter level to 60%

  3. Create a routine Scene (ROUT4) to define the ventilation speed "high". Use the following behaviour:

    1. Select the device that is part of the routine: analogue output OUT7

    2. Set the parameter level to On

  4. Create a routine Custom routine (ROUT5) to define the ventilation speed "boost". After 15 min the ventilation is set to "medium". Use the following behaviour:

    1. Device that is part of the routine: analogue output OUT7

    2. Start behaviour: OUT7: Level = On, Dimming Time = 1 s, Delay = 0 s

    3. Stop behaviour: OUT7: Level = 60%, Dimming Time = 1 s, Delay = 0 s

    4. Check "Stop this routine automatically..." and set the time period to 15 min

In Z2 to Z6 follow the steps described above but use the data in the table below.

Type of routine

In Z2

In Z3

In Z4

In Z5

In Z6


ROUT6, ROUT7 and ROUT8 with OUT8

ROUT10, ROUT11 and ROUT12 with OUT9

ROUT14, ROUT15 and ROUT16 with OUT10

ROUT18, ROUT19 and ROUT20 with OUT11

ROUT22, ROUT23 and ROUT24 with OUT12

Custom routine

ROUT9 with OUT8

ROUT13 with OUT9

ROUT17 with OUT10

ROUT21 with OUT11

ROUT25 with OUT12

Creating the conditions

If heating/cooling is required in a zone, then 230 V is applied to the zone valve, the fans are unlocked and the ventilation speed is set to 60% for heating and 100% for cooling.

If heating/cooling is no longer required in a zone, then 230 V is no longer applied to the zone valve, and the fans are locked and stopped.

In Z1,

1. Create a condition (COND1) for controlling the fans when heating is required.   Use the following logic:

  • IF SENS1= True AND ROUT1: State = Heating mode active

  • THEN  
    OUT1: Value = On, Delay = 0s
    OUT7: Level = Unlock, Delay = 0 s
    OUT7: Level = 60%, Dimming Time = 1 s, Delay = 0,1 s

  • ELSE  Leave empty

2. Create a condition (COND2) for controlling the fans when cooling is required.  Use the following logic:

  • IF SENS1= True AND ROUT1: State = Cooling mode active

  • THEN  
    OUT1: Value = On, Delay = 0s
    OUT7: Level = Unlock, Delay = 0 s
    OUT7: Level = On, Dimming Time = 1 s, Delay = 0,1 s

  • ELSE  Leave empty

3. Create a condition (COND3) for controlling the fans when heating/cooling is no longer required.  Use the following logic:

  • IF SENS1= False

  • THEN  
    OUT1: Value = Off, Delay = 0s
    OUT7: Level = Off, Dimming Time = 1 s , Delay = 0 s
    OUT7: Level =Lock , Delay = 0,1 s)

  • ELSE  Leave empty

In Z2 to Z6 follow the steps described above but use the data in the table below.

In Z2

In Z3

In Z4

In Z5

In Z6

  • COND4 and COND5 with SENS2, ROUT1, OUT2 and OUT8

  • COND6 with SENS2, OUT2 and OUT8

  • COND7 and COND8 with SENS3, ROUT1, OUT3 and OUT9

  • COND9 with SENS3, OUT3 and OUT9

Filling the cabinet and addressing the devices
  • You can only address four zone valves to a heating or cooling module 4U. Contact 5 of the module is an H/C-contact.

  • Always address the heating/cooling system to the first heating or cooling module in the cabinet (contact 5).

Fill the cabinet with ...

and address the following devices ...

a heating or cooling module 4U (MOD1)

  • the zone valves VALVE1 to VALVE4 (contact 1 to 4 of the module).

  • the heating/cooling system H/C1 (contact 5 of the module) (*)


a heating or cooling module 4U (MOD2)

  • the zone valves VALVE5 and VALVE6.

  • the heating/cooling system H/C1 (**)


a digital sensor module 2U (MOD3)

the digital sensors SENS1 to SENS3.

a digital sensor module 2U (MOD4)

the digital sensors SENS4 to SENS6.

an analogue control module 0 - 10 V 2U (MOD5)

the analog outputs OUT7 to OUT9.

an analogue control module 0 - 10 V 2U (MOD6)

the analog outputs OUT10 to OUT12.

rail coupler (MOD7)


a switching module (6x) 4U (MOD8)

the other switched devices OUT1 to OUT6.

(*)  This contact is not physically used in the installation. The contact closes when one of the thermostats demands heating and opens when they demand cooling.

(**) This contact is not physically used in the installation. You can address this contact also to another heating or cooling module. 


Click here to download the programming example.
(FPE_029_216_1.nhc2 file).

Wiring diagram

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