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Electrical heating

Use case

Your customer has an electrical heating system with 4 zones. Each zone is equipped with an electrical heating controlled by a thermostat. 

You can also use push buttons with LED(s) and comfort sensors instead of thermostats, or a combination of both.


Creating the controls and the devices
  1. Create the thermostats (THT1 and THT2).

  2. Create the electrical heatings (HEAT1 and HEAT2).

Creating the routine

Create a routine Electrical heating (ROUT1). Use the following behaviour, select the electrical heating and corresponding thermostat per zone (THT1 and HEAT1, THT2 and HEAT2).

Filling the cabinet and addressing the devices

Fill the cabinet with ...

and address the following devices ...

a switching module (3x) 2U (MOD1) (*)

  • the electrical heating HEAT1.

  • the electrical heating HEAT2.

(*) In this example a switching module (550-00103 or 550-00106) is used. You can also use a heating or cooling module (550-00150).


Click here to download the programming example (nhc2 file).

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