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What can you do with Vasco and Niko Home Control?

Manage multi-zone ventilation

If you connect your ventilation units to Niko Home Control, you can control them via push buttons, the Niko Home app on a tablet or smartphone, the Touchscreen and/or Digital black.

You can control multiple rooms individually, using the following actions:

  • Set fan speed: low, medium, high

  • Activate boost (temporary high fan speed)

We recommend the following options to make even better use of this connection:

  • Automate ventilation speeds based on air quality conditions measured by push buttons with comfort sensors; see Creating a condition.

  • Use excess solar energy for heat recuperation (using the by-pass function of your ventilation system), via solar mode.

Get a notification when the ventilation filter is dirty

If you connect your ventilation units to Niko Home Control, you can get a notification when the ventilation filter is dirty. You will be informed via the Niko Home app on a tablet or smartphone, the Touchscreen and/or Digital black.

Available solutions

We offer the following solutions:

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