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Using Shift function

What is the shift function?

You can create a shift function for the following controls:

  • generic controls 

  • specific dimming control

  • specific motor control 

  • digital sensor, only bus wiring

  • connection to external system, only bus wiring

  • wireless window or door contact

With the shift function, you can make a button perform different actions (basic actions or routines) depending on its mode (normal or shift).

If the condition is fulfilled, the button will either be in normal or in shift mode. 

Starting point


  1. Click on the control to activate the switch function.
    The pane with information appears.

  2. Click on Shift disabled and select Shift enabled to activate the shift function.
    The control will appear with an 'S' in the drawing area.

  3. Click the  Close  button to return to the  Create  overview window.

  4. Create a Custom Routine  for the Normal mode.

    ASelect a control that will initiate the routine.

    Click on the control. In this example we opt for a single push button.
    Two possibilities are shown: normal and shift. Choose normal.

    BSelect a device.

    Click on the device.
    In this example we choose the lamp: its start behaviour is to be on at 100%, its stop behaviour to be on at 0%.

  5. Create a C ustom routine  for the Shift mode.

    ASelect a control that will initiate the control.

    Click on the control. In this example we opt for a single push button.
    Two possibilities are shown: normal and shift. Choose shift.

    BSelect a device.

    Click on the device.
    In this example we choose the lamp: its start behaviour is to be on at 40%, its stop behaviour to be on at 0%.

  6. Set the conditions for the normal mode and the shift mode.

    ExampleIf it is between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m....Then the mode is normal (behaviour A).

    Else the mode is shift (behaviour B).

    What?Choose a time schedule as a condition.

    Choose the behaviour of the control within that time schedule.

    Choose the behaviour of the control if the condition is not fulfilled.


See an example here. Turn on the sound to watch the video.

In this example, when the push button is pressed, the light in the hall will be on at 100% during the day and at 40% at night.

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