Starting point


  1. In the right-hand button bar, click on the button Basic action.
    • The Basic action pane appears.
    • On the plan all eligible players will get a plus sign.
  2. Click on the plus signs of the players you want to link to the basic action.

    • The basic action symbol appears as soon as at least 1 input and 1 output have been selected.
    • All selected players are linked to the basic action by a line. The bubble in the middle of the line [A] is the symbol of the basic action. You will be able to click here later to edit certain characteristics of this basic action if necessary.
    • The Basic action pane shows:
      • the name of the basic action created;
      • an overview of all players linked to it and their behaviour and parameters.

    To link a basic action to one button of a control with several buttons, proceed as follows.

    1 Click on the player. Each button will be shown separately.

    2 Click on the button you want to link to the basic action.


    Your project contains the player six-fold push button. Click on the players and determine to which button you want to link the basic action.

  3. Edit the name of the action.
    In this example we create the basic action 'Garage Light' with the output 'Garage_Lamp' and the input 'Garage_Single_Push_button'.
  4. Click the Close button to return to the Basic action pane.
  5. Click the Close button to return to the Create overview window.

You can combine different push buttons in a basic action.

You cannot link generic and specific push buttons to the same action.


See an example here. Turn on the sound to watch the video.


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