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Insights into and notifications for energy

The table below gives an overview of all the insights and notifications you can configure depending on your Niko Home Control installation type, installed modules and 3th party system.

Niko Home Control for bus wiringNiko Home Control for traditional wiring
connected controller (550-00003)
+ measuring module (550-00803)
(+ optionally SMA Sunny Boy
or Sunny Tripower)
connected controller (550-00003)
+ pulse counter (550-00250)
wireless smart hub (552-00001)
+ smart/digital meter
wireless smart hub (552-00001)
+ smart/digital meter
+ SMA Sunny Boy
Sunny Tripower

wireless smart hub (552-00001)
+ smart plug
(552-80699 or 552-80698)
connected switching socket outlet
(170-33505 or 170-33605)

Niko Home Control version2.
Insights into electricity
realtime consumption

taken from the grid

injecting into the grid

total consumption (*)

production (**)


peak power consumption

Insights into
gas consumption

water consumption

Notifications for electricity


peak power

solar panel malfunctioning

Notifications for

gas consumption

water consumption

(*) The total electricity consumption is the amount of electricity taken from the grid PLUS your own production MINUS your injection into the grid.

(**) The electricity production is the amount of electricity your PV panels produce. This is the sum of the amount you inject into the grid and the amount you consume yourself.

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