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Changing the shape of a room

Starting point


  1. Select the room by: 

    • clicking on the edge of a room

    • double-clicking in the room

    • clicking on the name of the room

    Result: The Draw rooms pane appears. The room is marked on the drawing area:

    • a blue bubble appears on each corner

    • a grey bubble appears in the middle of each line.

  2. You can do the following: 

    • Double-click on a grey bubble to divide a line into 2 equal parts. The grey bubble turns blue (becomes a corner).

    • Click and drag a blue bubble to move a corner.


See an example here. Turn on the sound to watch the video.

In this example the room corresponding to the bedroom has been drawn as a square. We modify the shape so that it coincides with the bedroom on the floor plan.


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