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Maintain user settings when uploading programming (from softwareversion 1.14 onwards)


When uploading the installation, you will be asked whether you would like to maintain the user settings. It concerns the settings which can be modified by the user himself using the user settings software of the user settings app. It applies to a limited range of settings such as names of locations and actions, the dimming level or the roll-down shutters status within a mood.

Starting point

The starting point of this step-by-step plan is a project in which you have completed the Cabinet lay-out component. The modules and inputs have already been addressed.

Step 1: Do not maintain modified user settings

  • If you choose not to maintain the user settings, the following will occur when you click on upload:

  • All modifications made by the user using the user settings software or user settings app, are deleted.
  • Only the modifications made by yourself in the nhcp file will be uploaded to the controller.

Step 2: Maintain modified user settings

  • If you choose to maintain the user settings, the following will occur when you click on upload:


  • All modifications made by yourself in the nhcp file, will be uploaded to the controller.
  • The modifications which were made by the client using the user settings software but weren't changed in the nhcp file are still maintained. This is explained below using an example.

Step 3: Example in which the settings are maintained

  • During the latest upload a mood named 'relaxed' was created. A dimmable lamp is set to 80% with an activation time of 5 seconds.
  • However, the user finds the lighting too harsh and changes the dimmable lamp in the user settings app to 50% with an activation time of 3 seconds. The name 'relaxed' remains unchanged.
  • During a subsequent visit, the installation can be downloaded to the PC, after which you will receive the originally set parameters in the nhcp file. ('relaxed'; 80%5 seconds)
  • The intensity of the dimmable lamp is adjusted to 60%, however nothing else is changed.

If you choose not to maintain the user settings (=no), the parameters for 'relaxed' will be 60% and 5 seconds after the upload.

If you do choose to maintain the user settings (=yes), the parameters for 'relaxed' will be 60% and 3 seconds after the upload.

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