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Drawing a plan

Each project is configured on the basis of a ground plan.

This allows the inputs and the outputs to be placed logically.

The only purpose of the plan is to serve as a visual aid. The software does not interact with the plan contents. Add to the plan whatever info is necessary to allow you to accurately orient yourself.

In the Project information step, click on draw.

The drawing screen appears.

You must also click on draw in this screen if you want to upload an image.

Always start to draw at the upper left-hand corner, since the program starts up there.

At the bottom-left, you can see in which section of the total working area you are working.

You can drag the visible section using the hand cursor.

Leave some space free around the periphery of your plan so that you can apply additions later on. After drawing the plan, it can no longer be shifted as one entire unit.
If you have an image of the plan, you can upload it. 

Click on the rectangle icon that corresponds to the desired line thickness.

Place the cursor in the working area, press the left mouse button and hold it while you drag and draw a rectangular area.

Release the mouse button to confirm the rectangle. 

Click on undo if you are not satisfied with the rectangle. 

To draw windows and doors, first make the necessary openings in the walls by erasing sections of those lines using the erase button. 

Then draw the windows and doors using a fine line.
Different storeys cannot be placed in one new file. All parts of one, single program must be located in one file. Storeys are drawn next to or below one another on the working area.

Using the text function, add names and other information, as needed.

Select the cursor and click on the various parts of the drawing to drag, enlarge, reduce, rotate or remove them. To do this, use the symbols in and around the selected part.

Click on save when the drawing is complete.

You return to the start screen of the Project information step. 

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