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You are connected with the connected controller and want to check the status of the programmed and/or installed components (physical components of the system – both controls and modules).

Starting point

You have opened the Diagnostics page and the Components screen is selected in the navigation bar.

Information on the Components screen

On the Components screen you see the following components:

  1. the Programmed components tab
  2. the Installed components tab
  3. the Search field
  4. the button to start the search for components
  5. the check box to only show programmed components that were not found
  6. the component list

Information in the component list

In the components list, you can find the following information for each component:

  1. the status indicator
  2. the name of the input or output (as entered in the programming software)
  3. the address of the control or module
  4. the location of the input or output (as entered in the programming software)

View the status of the programmed components

To view the components of the installation and check their status:

  • Click on the Programmed components tab.
  • At the top right of the list, click on Start component search.

The list is systematically extended and you can see a waiting symbol in the place of the start button.

A colour code indicates the status of the checked components:

GreenThe component is programmed and physically present
RedThe component is programmed but cannot be found
Tip: Check the Only show programmed components that were not found box to only see the components with a red status.

View the status of the installed components

To view the installed components (including bus and IP devices) and check their status:

  • Click on the Installed components tab
  • At the top right of the list, click on Start component search.

The list is systematically extended and you can see a waiting symbol in the place of the start button.

A colour code indicates the status of the checked components:

GreyThe component is physically present but is not programmed in the software
GreenThe component is physically present and programmed in the software
Note! The components which are marked grey are automatically at the top of the list.

Tip: Check the Only show components that were not found box to only see the components with a red status.

Search for information in the component list

  • In the Search field, enter a (partial) term to find a certain message.

For example, the following search terms are possible:

  • the name of an input or output (as entered in the programming software)
  • the address of a control or module
  • a location

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