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Using the Digital black, 230 V

The Digital black has a touchscreen interface. You can control the Digital black in the same way you control your mobile device.

You can use the Digital black, 230 V in two modes:

  • Standalone use
  • Connected use (connected to your Niko Home Control installation)

Standalone use

When powered but not onboarded yet, you can control the local switch of your Digital black. Swipe from the QR code screen to the switching screen

short press

to control the local switch ON or OFF.

horizontal swipe

to onboard the Digital black swipe the switching screen to the QR code screen. See the Connecting the Digital black, 230 V to your Niko Home Control installation page.

Connected use

short press

to control actions or change a value
long press

to open the second level control (e.g. level adjustment)
horizontal swipe

to navigate to other controls or other pages

to go to a minimum or maximum value or predefined intermediate values (e.g. low, med, high, boost)
vertical swipe

to adjust a level

Proximity sensor

The Digital black has a built-in proximity sensor. This sensor has a fixed range of 0 - 30 cm in a cone shape.

When you approach the screen in this range, the Digital black wakes up from standby.

Light sensor

The Digital black has a built-in light sensor. This sensor is only used to automatically adjust the display brightness according to the ambient light.

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