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Solar mode compatibility list

When there is an overproduction (injection into the grid), Niko Home Control can activate different devices. Below you find the list of devices that can be activated by Niko Home Control. 

When there is an overproduction,

activate ...(230 V)activate... (potential free)change temperature set point
or heating mode
increase the temperature of the
hot water system
increase ventilation speedactivate smart device

Products for traditional wiring
Connected switching socket outlet, claw, pin earthing170-33505


Connected switching socket outlet, screw pin earthing170-33605


Smart plug with side earthing, Zigbee®552-80698


Smart plug with pin earthing, Zigbee®552-80699


Products for bus wiring
Switching module (6x)550-00106

Switching module (3x)550-00103

Heating or cooling module for Niko Home Control550-00150

Ventilation module for Niko Home Control550-00140

Niko Home Control HVAC partner APIs

NIBENIBE Uplink systems

Mitsubishi ElectricMELCloud compatible systems

VaillantvSMART or eRELAX thermostat

BulexMiGo thermostat with eBUS  connection

Saunier DuvalMiGo thermostat with eBUS  connection

List will be updated soon...

Niko Home Control IFTTT

GE devices

Home connect (Bosch, ...)





(*)  You need an auxiliary relay.

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