Press on the Control button . The operating screen appears and displays a list of all rooms in your installation. The order in this list is determined by the order set in the programming software. This is where you can also choose not to display certain rooms and actions.
Press on the room icon for which you wish to consult the available actions/players. You will be able to see all controls/devices/actions available in this room. If you press on the icons for various rooms, the list will grow longer. Press a room again and the list will disappear.
Press on the icon of the control/device/action that you wish to control. The icon will show the required feedback on the status of this control/device/action. For certain actions an extra screen will appear, allowing you to apply more specific settings. When you open another action, this additional screen will close.
In the next chapter, we summarise the various types of activities and their behaviour.
Controlling the actions
1. Starting/stopping an action
When an action has a start and stop behaviour (On/Off), this can be started by pressing on the icon. Press on the icon again to stop the action.
Is the icon...
then the action is...
not active.
2. Mood control
Press on the mood icon to activate. The active mood icon is displayed in a different colour.
To deactivate the mood you must select another mood in the same room or disable all assigned players.
3. Dimming control
The colour of the icon of the dimming control displays the status of the lamp.
Is the colour of the icon...
light yellow,
the lamp is operating to a low percentage of its maximum capacity.
dark yellow,
the lamp is operating to a high percentage of its maximum capacity.
the dimmable lamp is disabled.
Press on the icon of the dimming control to set the light intensity. A screen appears in which you can dim the lamp more or less using a sliding adjuster.
Press the on-off button to turn the lamp on or off.
The behaviour of the dimming control will be different if the memory function was activated when creating the programming software.
Is the dimming control memory function...
the lamp will operate on the last known light intensity after having been turned off and back on again.
not active,
the lamp will operate on the maximum light intensity after having been turned off and back on again.
4. Ventilation control
You can never disable a ventilation system. It is continually active (at a minimum in the lowest position).
The icon is always purple.
Press the icon of the ventilation control to adjust the ventilation position. A screen will appear in which you can choose between low, middle, high and boost. The symbol in the icon of the ventilation system shows which position is active.
Active position
If you choose boost, the ventilation system will operate at its maximum capacity during a certain period (set in the programming software). Once this set time has elapsed, the ventilation system will automatically switch to the position it was on before activating the boost position.
5. Roll-down shutter control
The colour of the icon of the roll-down shutter control shows the status of the shutter.
Is the colour of the icon...
then the shutter is...
light purple,
completely open.
dark purple,
operating to a high percentage of its capacity.
Press the icon of the roll-down shutter control to open or close shutters. A screen appears in which you can open or close the shutters using a sliding adjuster.
Press the Open and Close buttons to open or close the shutters entirely.
6. Venetian blind control
You can control the venetian blind in the same way as a roll-down shutter. The only difference is the icon.
7. Sunblind control
You can control a sunblind in the same way as a roll-down shutter. The only difference is the icon.
8. Thermostat
You cannot adjust the programming of the thermostat on the touchscreen. You need to do that on the thermostat itself.
Thermostats are shown as an action. The temperature in the icon is the current temperature. The temperature in the small circle is the requested temperature
Is the colour of the desired temperatureā¦
then the desired temperature isā¦
higher than the current temperature.
lower than the current temperature.
Press on the thermostat icon. A screen will appear in which you can temporarily increase the pre-programmed temperature (= until the next start of the cycle) or choose another thermostat programme.
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