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Creating a time slot

Starting point

Procedure Time slot with fixed times

Using a time slot with fixed times you can choose from different possibilities:

  • From time 1  to  time 2

  • Before  time

  • After  time

  • At  time

To enter the times, you can:

  • type the time or 

  • click the clock sign and scroll to the desired time.

In this example of a time schedule for outdoor lighting, the time slots are set from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. and from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Procedure Time slot based on the astronomical clock

A time slot based on the astronomical clock is determined by sunrise and sunset.

  1. Choose from:

    • From: From sunrise to sunset.

    • Before: From midnight until the set time, e.g. before sunrise.

    • After: From the set time, e.g. after sunset, until midnight.

    • At: From the set time, e.g. at sunset

  2. (optional) Adjust the time of sunrise and sunset by assigning an offset. You can set it to a maximum of 2 hours before or 2 hours after sunrise or sunset.

  3. (optional) Tick "no earlier than" and/or "no later than" and enter the desired time.

In this example, the time schedule for outdoor lighting has been set such that the outdoor lighting will be on from 1 hour after sunset until 1 hour before sunrise, but no earlier than 8 pm.


Procedure timeslot based on sunset/sunrise and a time set

In this example, the time schedule for outdoor lighting has been set such that the outdoor lighting will be on from sunset until 21:00. During summer, the sunset occurs later than 21:00.

Under Define end time, you specify what should happen if the time set occurs before the sunset.

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