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Printing project documents from version 1.10 onwards


From version 1.10 of Niko Home Control programming software onwards you can create three types of project documents in pdf and print them. This customization applies to the following areas:

  • the installation description: an overview of the complete system with actions, input and outputs. You can provide the document to the client on a memory stick or on paper after installation.
  • the cabinet layout: an overview of the cabinets with the modules installed and the associated outputs. Depending on the size of the cabinets the document will contain A3 and/or A4 pages. You can give this document to the person assembling the cabling on site. He then knows where he should place each module and which outputs should be connected to it.
  • cabinet labels: labels with the names of the cabinet modules and the outputs that are connected. If you print the labels at actual size (100 %), they fit the space above and/or below each cabinet module perfectly.

Starting point

The starting point for this action plan is a project for which you have finalised all the programming.

Printing project documents

  • Go to Project information in the menu at the top of the screen.

  • Click under the header Project documents, on view

  • Click on make PDF.

A window appears where you indicate where the project document should be saved on your computer.

The file name is filled in automatically and contains the given project name, followed by the type of document (installation description, cabinet layout or cabinet labels).
You need pdf software installed on your computer to be able to create a pdf.
  • Change the file name if required and click save.
    The file opens automatically.
  • Print the file.
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