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Cabinet set-up before version 1.13


This step-by-step plan shows you how to set up a cabinet in the Niko Home Control software from software version 1.9 until software version 1.13.

Starting point             

The starting point of this step-by-step plan is a project in which you have completed the component Creation.

Step 1: Open cabinet set-up

  • Go to Cabinet set-up in the menu bar at the top.
    You arrive in the screen Assemble the cabinet

The list of options opens automatically on the left-hand side.
If the installation consists of more than one cabinet, you can add a cabinet by clicking on add an extra cabinet in the right-hand section of the screen.

  • To open, click on the cabinet name in the left-hand section of the screen on the tab cabinet properties.

  • If necessary, assign the cabinet a name.
  • Under cabinet dimensions, adjust the image size to the actual dimensions of the cabinet.

Step 2: Fill the cabinet with modules

  • Click on next to go to the fill with modules tab.

As a default, the software fills the first cabinet created with a power supply and a controller.

  • Click on the first module, the power supply.

  • If necessary, assign the power supply a name

Every installation must have at least one power supply. In installations with more than one power supply, assign each power supply a distinct name.

  • Click on the second module, the controller, controlling the installation on the basis of the stored programming.

  • If necessary, assign the controller a name.

Every installation must have at least one controller. A second controller may be used to operate as a back-up.

  • Click on OK to go to the fill with modules tab.
  • Select the modules needed for your project. The type and number of modules will be determined by the type and the number of circuits in the installation.

The software places the module next to the previous module or goes to the next DIN rail, if insufficient space remains.
By clicking on the rail of your choice beforehand, you can indicate yourself that you want the module on another rail. If necessary, a rail coupler is automatically positioned.

  • If necessary, assign the module a name.

An installation usually needs several switching modules. Give each switching module a distinct name. 

Step 3: Assigning outputs and sensors

  • Click on next to go to the assign outputs tab.
  • Click on the module whose outputs you want to assign to the elements to be controlled in the home.

The selected module is then displayed on the right together with the contacts.
On the plan of the home, a ‘+’ sign now appears next to all outputs that can be assigned to this type of module. 

  • Click on the elements that you want to link to this module. 

The elements are assigned to the module in the order in which they were clicked, until all of the contacts are occupied.  
You can modify the sequence of the outputs on the module by dragging the elements from one line to another using the black button at the end of the line.
When you wire the cabinet, it is important to do this in the sequence that you specified in the software.

  • Click on save to return to the overview of the various modules.
  • Repeat the steps in assigning outputs and sensors for each module in the cabinet. 
  • Click on save to return to the Assemble the cabinet screen.


Continue with the Realisation step.

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