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Bus communication


Your computer is connected with the connected controller and you want to see the messages on the bus of the installation.

Starting point

You have opened the Diagnostics page and the Bus communication screen is selected in the navigation bar.

Information on the Bus communication screen

On the Bus communication screen you see the following components:

  1. the Live Tracing tab
    via this tab you can see the live messages on the bus
  2. the History Log tab
    via this tab you can see the history of logged bus messages
  3. the Search field
    via the search function you can find specific messages in the message list
  4. the message list
    here you can see the live messages (if the Live Tracing tab is selected) or the logged messages (if the History Log tab is selected)

The following automated messages are not displayed:

  • time stamps
  • temperature measurements
  • analogue sensor measurements
  • energy measurements

For example, wind measurements of sun blinds are not logged.
If a measurement starts an action (e.g. the wind picks up causing the sunblinds to be raised), that action is logged.

Information in the message list

The message list contains the following information:

  1. the date and time of the message
  2. the input/output indication
    input (square) – this message is generated by the mentioned input
    output (circle) – this message controls the mentioned output
  3. the name of the input or output (as entered in the programming software)
  4. the description of the bus message (in bold)
  5. the address of the input or output (refers to the control (input) or the module (output))
  6. the location of the input or output (as entered in the programming software)

See the messages on the bus 'live'

  • Click on the Live Tracing tab to see a live display of the bus messages.

In the message list, you can now see the messages sent as soon as you have clicked on the Live Tracing tab.

See the history log of the bus messages

  • Click on the History Log tab to see an overview of the bus messages.

You can now see a list with the last 10,000 messages (the messages of the last three to seven days).

Search for information in the message list

  • In the Search field, enter a (partial) term to find a certain message.

For example, the following search terms are possible:

  • the name of an input or output (as entered in the programming software)
  • the address of a control or module
  • a location
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