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Simulation of a code keyboard with a push button (with LEDs)

Use case

Your customer wants to start an action (e.g. turn on a lamp) when a specific numeric combination (e.g. 1234) is pressed on a four-fold push button (with LEDs). The correct combination has to be pressed within 4 seconds.

In this example a combination of four buttons is used. You can also use more buttons or a different numeric combination. 


Creating the controls and the devices
  1. Create a four-fold push button (PB1).
  2. Create a lamp (LAMP1).
  3. Create the virtual devices (VIRT1 to VIRT4):
    • VIRT1: Button 1 of PB1 active
    • VIRT2: Button 2 of PB1 active
    • VIRT3: Button 3 of PB1 active
    • VIRT4: Button 4 of PB1 active

Creating the routines

The correct numeric combination has to be pressed within 4 seconds.

  1. Create a custom routine (ROUT1) to activate VIRT1 with button 1 of the push button for 4 seconds. Use the following behaviour:
    • Control that initiates the routine: button 1 of the push button (PB1).
    • Devices that are part of the routine: VIRT1
      • Start behaviour:
        • VIRT1: Value = true, Delay = 0 s
        • VIRT1: Value = false, Delay = 4 s
      • Stop behaviour: leave empty
  2. Create a custom routine (ROUT2) to activate VIRT2 with button 2 of the push button for 3 seconds. Use the following behaviour:
    • Control that initiates the routine: button 2 of the push button (PB1).
    • Devices that are part of the routine: VIRT2
      • Start behaviour:
        • VIRT2: Value = true, Delay = 0 s
        • VIRT2: Value = false, Delay = 3 s
      • Stop behaviour: leave empty
  3. Create a custom routine (ROUT3) to activate VIRT3 with button 3 of the push button for 2 seconds. Use the following behaviour:
    • Control that initiates the routine: button 3 of the push button (PB1).
    • Devices that are part of the routine: VIRT3
      • Start behaviour:
        • VIRT3: Value = true, Delay = 0 s
        • VIRT3: Value = false, Delay = 2 s
      • Stop behaviour: leave empty
  4. Create a custom routine (ROUT4) to activate VIRT4 with button 4 of the push button for 1 second. Use the following behaviour:
    • Control that initiates the routine: button 4 of the push button (PB1).
    • Devices that are part of the routine: VIRT4
      • Start behaviour:
        • VIRT4: Value = true, Delay = 0 s
        • VIRT4: Value = false, Delay = 1 s
      • Stop behaviour: leave empty

Creating the conditions

The conditions below are a built-in safety precaution. When you press a wrong code within 4 seconds, the four virtual devices are not set to "true" at the same time.

  1. Create a condition (COND1) for pressing the correct code. The lamp is turned on. Use the following logic:
    • IF (VIRT1: Value = true) and (VIRT2: Value =  true) and (VIRT3: Value = true) and (VIRT4: Value =  true)
    • THEN LAMP1: Value = on
    • ELSE leave empty
  2. Create a condition (COND2) for pressing a wrong code (the first button pressed is wrong). Use the following logic:
    • IF  [(VIRT2: Value =  true) or (VIRT3: Value = true) or (VIRT4: Value =  true)] and (VIRT1: Value = false)
    • THEN VIRT1 to VIRT4: Value = false
    • ELSE leave empty
  3. Create a condition (COND3) for pressing a wrong code (the first or second button pressed is wrong). Use the following logic:
    • IF  [(VIRT3: Value = true) or (VIRT4: Value = true)] and [(VIRT1: Value = false) or (VIRT2: Value = false)]
    • THEN VIRT1 to VIRT4: Value = false
    • ELSE leave empty
  4. Create a condition (COND4) for pressing a wrong code (the first or second or third button pressed is wrong). Use the following logic:
    • IF  (VIRT4: Value = true) and [(VIRT1: Value = false) or (VIRT2: Value = false) or (VIRT3: Value = false)]
    • THEN VIRT1 to VIRT4: Value = false
    • ELSE leave empty


Click here to download the programming example (nhc2 file).

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