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Set your house in an ‘away’ state when arming the alarm system

Use case

Your customer has an alarm system to secure the home.

The alarm system can be either burglary, fire or both.


When leaving the house, the residents will use the alarm system keypad to arm the alarm system.

  • You avoid an extra action for your customer by automatically activating the all-out routine(s) when arming the alarm system.

  • The house is now not only monitored by the alarm system but has the most ideal state during absence.


Most of the alarm systems have contacts, that can be used to steer an external system, in this case Niko Home Control.
To be able to use this contact, the alarm installer will need to set it up properly and provide you the information on the contact.

Starting point

  • The alarm system is installed and configured.

  • There is a contact in the alarm system that will close when the alarm system is ‘armed’.

  • This contact is potential-free, or you have made it potential-free.

  • This contact is connected to the Niko Home Control installation via a digital potential-free sensor module.


Creating the controls and devices
  1. Create a ‘Connection to external system’ (SENS1)
    This Connection to external system (SENS1) represents the ‘armed’ contact of the alarm system connected to an input of the Digital potential sensor module.

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Create a ‘Connection to external system’ (SENS1)

Creating the action(s) and routine(s)

Setting the house in an ‘away’ state can be a combination of setting different devices to a desired state.
Consider not only lights, but also switched sockets, shutters, curtains, ventilation, heating and cooling, audio, ...

When nobody is at home, it seems logical to turn appliances ‘off’ and select a more economical regime for HVAC appliances.
But we can also consider turning certain things ‘on’ when nobody is at home.


In this example, we elaborate on the following choices:

When the alarm system is armed:
-the ‘all off’ routines for ground floor and first floor should be activated
-shutters in burglary-prone areas should close
-the ‘presence simulation’ routine should be activated.



  1. Create the routine “All-off first floor” (ROUT1)
    Configure the desired behaviour

  2. Create the routine “All-off ground floor” (ROUT2)
    Configure the desired behaviour

  3. Create the routine “Presence simulation” (ROUT3)
    Configure the desired behaviour

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1. routine “All-off first floor” (ROUT1)

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2. routine “All-off ground floor” (ROUT2)

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3. routine “Presence simulation” (ROUT3)

Creating the conditions

Using a condition, we translate the state of the alarm system's ‘armed’ contact to the desired ‘nobody home’ state for the home.

When the alarm system is armed, the ‘armed’ contact connected to the digital potential-free sensor module will close and the THEN part of the condition will be executed.
THEN accordingly contains the elements to be triggered when leaving the home.

When disarming the alarm system, the same 'armed' contact will open again and the ELSE part of the condition will be executed.
ELSE accordingly contains the elements to be triggered when returning home. For example, turn on the entrance light and turn off the presence simulation.


Create a condition (COND1):
SENS1= True
ROUT1: initiators = Activate
ROUT2: initiators = Activate
ROUT3: initiators = Activate
Shutter x: Motor movement = Closed
Shutter y: Motor movement = Closed
Light entrance: value = on
ROUT3: initiators = deactivate

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Create a condition (COND1)


Click here to download the programming example.
(FPE_034_221_01.nhc2 file).

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