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Dimming a lamp using a fixed time schedule and an indoor motion detector

Use case

Your customer would like to adjust the luminosity of a lamp according to a fixed time schedule. The lamp is activated by the movement detection of an indoor motion detector.

From ...the luminosity of the lamp is set to ...
sunrise until sunset30%.
sunset until sunrise100%.


Creating the controls, the device and the time schedule
  1. Create an indoor motion detector (DET1).
  2. Create a dimmable lamp (LAMP1).
  3. Create a virtual device (VIRT1).
  4. Create a daily time schedule (TIME1) from sunrise until sunset.

Creating the routine

Create a routine Motion detection with indoor detector(s) (ROUT1).

  • Configure the following behaviour:
    • master detector that initiates the routine: indoor motion detector (DET1)
    • device that is switched on when the routine is started: VIRT1: Value = true
  • Set the parameter switch-off delay

The routine Motion detection with indoor detector(s) needs a device to switch on. For that purpose, the virtual device (VIRT1) is used.

Creating the conditions
  1. Create a condition (COND1) for deactivating the lamp when no movement is detected within the switch-off delay set in the detector's parameters. Use the following logic:
    • IF ROUT1: State = motion detected + switch-off delay
    • THEN LAMP1: Level = off
    • ELSE leave empty
  2. Create a condition (COND2) to set the lamp luminosity to 100% from sunset until sunrise. Use the following logic:
    • IF (TIME1: On/off = false) and (ROUT1: State = motion detected + switch-off delay)
    • THEN LAMP1: Level = on
    • ELSE leave empty
  3. Create a condition (COND3) to set the lamp luminosity to  30% from sunrise until sunset. Use the following logic:
    • IF (TIME1: On/off = true) and (ROUT1: State = motion detected + switch-off delay)
    • THEN LAMP1: Level = 30%
    • ELSE leave empty

You cannot create this use case with only 2 conditions.

Filling the cabinet and addressing the device
Fill the cabinet with ...and address the following device ...
a universal dimming module 4U (MOD1)the lamp LAMP1.


Click here to download the programming example (nhc2 file).

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