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Controlling the lighting in a sports hall on two sides of a curtain

Use case

The sports hall is divided in 2 play areas divided by an automatic curtain. 

When the curtain is closed, the lighting in both areas is controlled separately with 2 push buttons.

When the curtain is open, the lighting in both areas is controlled as a whole with one of the 2 push buttons.


Creating the controls and the devices
  1. Create 2 single push buttons, one for each play area (PB1 and PB2).
  2. Create 2 lighting circuits, one for each play area (LAMP1 and LAMP2)
  3. Create an external contact: connection to external system (OUT1). This contact is closed when the curtain is closed.

Creating the condition

Create a condition (COND1) for activating the shift function on both push buttons when the curtain is closed (OUT1=true). Use the following logic:

  • IF external contact OUT1: On/off = true
  • THEN (PB1: Shift = shift enabled) and (PB2: Shift = shift enabled)
  • ELSE (PB1: Shift = shift disabled) and (PB2: Shift = shift disabled)

With the shift function you can make a button perform different actions (basic actions or routines) depending on its mode (normal or shift).

Creating the basic actions
  1. Create a basic action (BASIC1) to control the lighting in play area 1, when the curtain is closed. Select LAMP1 and PB1-shift.
  2. Create a basic action (BASIC2) to control the lighting in play area 2, when the curtain is closed. Select LAMP2 and PB2-shift.
  3. Create a basic action(BASIC3) to control the lighting in both areas, when the curtain is open. Select LAMP1, LAMP2, PB1-normal en PB2-normal.

Filling the cabinet and addressing the devices
Fill the cabinet with ...and address the following devices ...
a switching module (3X) 2U (MOD1)
  • lighting area 1 (LAMP1).
  • lighting area 2 (LAMP2).
a digital sensor module 2u (MOD2)external contact (OUT1).


Click here to download the programming example (nhc2 file).

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