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Controlling the lighting and the ventilation in a toilet room

Use case

Your customer wants to automatically control the lighting and the ventilation in the toilet room using a mini detector.

When movement is detected:

  • the lighting is activated. The lighting is deactivated 1 min after the last movement detection.
  • the switch ventilator is activated after 5 min. The switched ventilator is deactivated 1 min after the last movement detection. In this manner, the ventilator is not activated when a person is in the toilet room for less than 5 min.


Creating the controls and devices
  1. Create a mini detector (DET1)
  2. Create the following devices:
    • a virtual device (VIRT1)
    • a lamp (LAMP1)
    • a switch ventilator (FAN1)

Creating the routine

Create a routine Motion detection with mini detector(s) (ROUT1) to activate the virtual device (VIRT1). Configure the following behaviour:

  • Master mini detector that initiates the routine: DET1
  • Device that is switched on when the routing is started: VIRT1: Value = true

Creating the condition

Create a condition (COND1) that activates LAMP1 immediately and FAN1 after 5 min, and deactivates both 1 min after the last movement detection. Use the following logic:

  • IF (VIRT1: Value = true)
  • THEN (LAMP1: Value = on, Delay = 0 s) and (FAN1: Value = on, Delay = 5 min)
  • ELSE (LAMP1: Value = off, Delay = 0 s) and (FAN1: Value = off, Delay = 1 min)

Filling the cabinet and addressing the devices
Fill the cabinet with ...and address the following devices ...
a switching module (3X) 2U (MOD1)
  • switch ventilator FAN1.
  • lamp LAMP1.


Click here to download the programming example (nhc2 file).

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