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Read the manual completely before installing and activating the system.

Niko prepares its manuals with the greatest care and strives to make them as complete, correct and up to date as possible. Nevertheless, some deficiencies may subsist. Niko cannot be held responsible for this, other than within the legal limits. Please inform us of any deficiencies in the manuals by contacting Niko customer services at


This online manual is applicable to these products:


This detector is compatible with Schneider Electric ELKO RS®.

The detector is designed for a standard flush-mounting box (EURO wall box). The detector is intended for wall mounting at a height of 0.8 to 1.2 meters. The detection area is 9 m over 180°.

Do not install the detector where it is exposed to direct light sources (e.g. sunlight or spotlights) or airflows (for example, from air conditioning or radiators). This may cause errors in detection.


The detector section can be removed using needle-nose pliers. Remove the locking frame with a screwdriver.


This product must be secured with a miniature circuit breaker (MCB) of max. 10 A in the electrical cabinet. The MCB rating is limited by national installation rules.

The external push button is connected between L (phase) and the M/S terminal (on the detector). When the push button is activated, and the light level is below the preset lighting threshold, the light is switched ON and remains ON until the switch-off delay expires. The detector still responds to movement.

The first time the detector is connected, or when a power cut has occurred, the detector will power up for the first 90 seconds. During this time, the detector will switch ON the light, and the LED will flash. If any movement is detected during this period, the detector will only be switched off after the preset switch-off delay.


230 V – OFF

This detector acts as a standalone detector in the following configuration:

Master – secondary

230 V – OFF

This detector acts as a master and a secondary detector in the following configuration:

To set the secondary detector, adjust the light threshold potentiometer to the position “secondary” (“slave”).

  • You can use a maximum of 10 secondary units.

  • The master and secondary detector must be connected to the same phase.

Detection area

Detection area

The detector is most sensitive when passing across the detection area.

More sensitive

Less sensitive



This motion detector is used to control indoor lighting. The detector has an integrated light sensor, which constantly measures the light level (lux) in the room. Based on the detection of movement, the light level and the switch-off delay, the detector switches the light on or off.

Areas where the detector can be of benefit:

  • photocopying room

  • archive room

  • storage room

  • corridors

  • kitchenette

Mode “Auto ON/OFF”

Normal operation

The detector constantly checks if the light level is below a preset light threshold (lux) and if it can detect movement in the detection area.

When the light level is lower than the preset light threshold (lux) and movement is detected, the lights are switched ON.

The lights will automatically switch OFF when one of these conditions is met:

  • the set time has expired after the last movement is detected in the detection area;

  • the light level is above the light threshold (lux) for five minutes.

Manual overriding

Initial situation




The light was ON


Press > 1 sec.

  • The lights are switched OFF and stay OFF for 2 hours.

  • The red LED behind the detector lens is illuminated during this time.

  • After 2 hours, the detector resumes its normal operation.


Within 2 hours, press again < 1 sec.

  • The lights are switched ON.

  • The red LED switches OFF.

  • The detector resumes its normal operation.

The light was OFF


Press > 1 sec.

  • The lights are switched ON and stay on for 2 hours.

  • The red LED behind the detector lens is illuminated during this time.

  • After 2 hours, the detector resumes its normal operation.


Within 2 hours, press again < 1 sec.

  • The lights are switched OFF.

  • The red LED switches OFF.

  • The detector resumes its normal operation.

Mode “Active ON/OFF with auto OFF”

Normal operation

The detector constantly checks if the light level is below a preset light threshold (lux) and if it can detect movement in the detection area.

The lights can only be switched ON via the push-button via a short press (< 1 sec.) and the daylight level is below the required value, and regardless of movement detected in the detection area.

The lights will automatically switch OFF, when one of these conditions is met:

  • The set time has expired after the last movement is detected in the detection area.

  • The light level is above the set value for 5 minutes.

Manual overriding

Initial situation




The light was ON


Press < 1 sec.

  • The lights are forced OFF.

If “Active ON/OFF with auto OFF” is selected, it will not be possible to override the mode to keep the light switched ON for longer periods of time.


230 V – ON

Open the front cover to change the detector’s light threshold (lux) and switch-off delay (time) settings.

Setting the potentiometers: left = light threshold (lux) and right = switch-off delay (time)

LED indication

Factory setting
  • Mode: Auto ON/OFF

  • Light threshold: 150 lux

  • Switch-off delay: 5 minutes

Setting the light threshold (lux)

The light threshold (lux) can be between 10 and 1000 lux.

The potentiometer also activates the secondary (“slave”) function (turn the potentiometer all the way to the right). Do this on secondary detectors only. If the product acts as a secondary detector, the light threshold setting of the master detector is applied.

Setting the switch-off delay (time)

The time can be set to between 1 and 30 minutes.

The potentiometer also activates the test mode (turn the potentiometer all the way to the left). In test mode, the lights stay ON for 5 seconds after each movement detection in the detection area, independent of the light level. The LED stays on for 2 seconds after each movement.

If the product acts as a secondary detector, preferably set the switch-off delay to 1 minute. This is added to the switch-off delay of the master detector.

LED response

The LED will flash as a receipt for the correct setting to obtain a safe setting of the potentiometers. Every time the light threshold (lux) or switch-off delay (time) is set, the LED will indicate the setting through the following flashes:

Light threshold (lux)










No lux (secondary)

Number of flashes











Switch-off delay (minutes)









Number of flashes










  • 5 flashes = 200 lux

  • 3 flashes = 2 min.

Change modes

You can manually switch between the modes “Auto ON/OFF” and “Active ON/OFF with auto OFF”.





Press the button on top of the detector for more than 10 seconds.

  • When “Auto ON/OFF” is selected, the red LED flashes 2 times

  • When “Active ON/OFF” is selected, the red LED flashes 4 times

2 flashes


4 flashes

Active ON/OFF with auto OFF


To see a full list of technical specifications, please visit the article page above (see Applicability).



This manual is valid for software version R1.


230 V – ON


Possible cause

Suggested solution

The lights do not switch ON

Incorrect connection

Ensure that the wiring is according to the wiring diagram.

Defective light source

Check and replace the light source if necessary.

Incorrect positioning

Ensure that the detector is positioned as described under “installation”.

The lights do not switch OFF

The setting for Switch-off delay is too long

Select a lower setting.

Incorrect positioning

Check that the detector is positioned as described under “installation”.

Incorrect connection

Check that the wiring is according to the wiring diagram.

The push button of the detector is activated (2 hours ON). The LED will light up.

Press the button again. The LED and lights switch OFF.


Dirt affects the operation of the detector. The detector’s lens must, therefore, be kept clean. Use a damp cloth for cleaning. Use water mixed with ordinary detergent. Avoid pressing hard on the lens in the front.

If the lens or another part of the detector is defective, the detector must be replaced.

Legal information

Warnings regarding installation

The installation of products that will permanently be part of the electrical installation and which include dangerous voltages, should be carried out by a qualified installer and in accordance with the applicable regulations. This user manual must be presented to the user. It should be included in the electrical installation file and it should be passed on to any new owners. Additional copies are available on the Niko website or via Niko customer services.

CE marking

This product complies with all of the relevant European guidelines and regulations. For radio equipment Niko llc declares that the radio equipment in this manual conforms with the 2014/53/EU directive. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at under the product reference, if applicable.


This product and/or the batteries provided cannot be disposed of in non-recyclable waste. Take your discarded product to a recognised collection point. Just like producers and importers, you too play an important role in the promotion of sorting, recycling and reuse of discarded electrical and electronic equipment. To finance the rubbish collection and waste treatment, the government levies recycling charges in certain cases (included in the price of this product).

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