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Viessmann: Wired connection - Energy (via SG Ready contacts)

What do you need?

In short

Extra information


Specific electrical wiring is required.

Your Niko Home Control installation meets the following requirements:

  • It has a connected controller II.

  • It is configured with the most recent programming software (version 2.17 or higher).

You need the following if you want to use the Niko Home Control energy-saving routines (e.g., solar or peak mode):


The connected double switch can be placed on a DIN rail using a modular holder (e.g. Legrand 412950)

Your Niko Home Control installation meets the following requirements:

  • It has a wireless smart hub.

  • It is configured with the most recent programming software (version 2.17 or higher).

You need the following if you want to use the Niko Home control energy-saving routines (e.g., solar or peak mode):

The connected double switch can be placed on a DIN rail using a modular holder (e.g. Legrand 412950)

Logo Viessmann

Your partner system meets the following requirements:

  • It is a Viessmann heat pump or heat pump boiler with Smart Grid ready contacts.

The partner system has to be configured to allow correct SG-ready contact use.

Heat pumps: Wiring diagrams for energy-saving routines (using SG Ready contacts)

The below table shows several options on how you can use Niko Home Control with your Viessmann heat pump system and enable Niko routines (solar and peak mode).

When using Viessmann Vitocal with W01C-control

  • Connect the Smart Grid Ready 1 with W01C-control connector contact 216.1 (input C)

  • Connect the Smart Grid Ready 2 with W01C-control connector contact 216.4 (input D)

When using Viessmann Vitocal with One Base

  • Connect the Smart Grid Ready 1 with one-base connector contact 143.4 (input C)

  • Connect the Smart Grid Ready 2 with one-base connector contact 143.5 (input D) 

Niko Home Control set-up

Wiring diagram

a Niko Home Control bus system (connected controller) with a switching module

Wiring diagram bus 230V

a Niko Home Control bus system (connected controller) with a connected double switch


a Niko Home Control wireless installation (wireless smart hub) with a connected double switch

Wiring diagram 230V

Heat pump boilers: Wiring diagrams for energy-saving routines (using SG Ready contacts)

Heat pump boilers usually have only one photovoltaic contact. You only have to connect the Smart Grid Ready 2.

The below table shows several options on how you can use Niko Home Control with your Viessmann heat pump boiler system and enable Niko routines (solar and peak mode).

When using Viessmann 060-A :

  • Connect the Smart Grid Ready 2 with the F input on the Viessmann 060-A (potential-free connector contact).

When using Viessmann 262-A :

  • Connect the Smart Grid Ready 2 with the S input on the Viessmann 262-A. 

Niko Home Control set-up

Wiring diagram

a Niko Home Control bus system (connected controller) with a switching module

Wiring diagram Bus Potential free

a Niko Home Control bus system (connected controller) with a connected double switch


a Niko Home Control wireless installation (wireless smart hub) with a connected double switch

Wiring diagram Potential free

Settings for energy-saving routines (using SG Ready contacts)

To view SG-ready programming examples, please see Niko Home Control programming examples.

It is advised to configure the parameters in peak mode and solar mode as follows:

Solar mode

  • Level of excess solar energy that activates the device (one of the following options):

    • 50 % of the power of the heat pump compressor

    • 25 % of the thermal capacity of the heat pump (often the name of the heat pump contains a reference to this thermal capacity)

  • Minimum activation duration: 1 hour

Optionally: define the latest start time and duration to ensure that the device is activated before the peak hours

Peak mode

  • Maximum power consumption (one of the following options):

    • 100 % of the heat pump compressor power

    • 50 % of the thermal capacity of the heat pump (often the name of the heat pump contains a reference to this thermal capacity)

  • Peak target value: the max. power level that should trigger the devices to turn off

  • Peak mode type:

    • Predictive (capacity tariff in Flanders)

    • Direct

Niko routine

Smart Grid Ready status

Niko Smart Grid output contact


Solar mode

Forced on

Smart Grid Ready 1

On (closed)

Smart Grid Ready 2

On (closed)

Enhanced comfort

Smart Grid Ready 1

Off (open)

Smart Grid Ready 2

On (closed)

Peak mode

Forced off

Smart Grid Ready 1

On (closed)

Smart Grid Ready 2

Off (open)

Normal mode

Normal operation

Smart Grid Ready 1

Off (open)

Smart Grid Ready 2

Off (open)

To view detailed information about Viessmann SG Ready and its configuration, please see

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