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General solution: Dirty filter notification via wired connection

What do you need?

Niko requirements

Your Niko Home Control installation meets the following requirements:

You need the following connections and additional products:

  • Install and connect a digital potential-free sensor module (550-00210).

  • If the output contact on your ventilation system is not potential-free, you need an additional potential-free contact module.

Third party system requirements

Your system meets the following requirements:

  • Your ventilation device has an output contact that signals when the filter is dirty.

  • It is compatible with the Niko module (see Niko requirements).

Please note that not all ventilation systems that you can control via Niko Home Control are equipped with the output contact required for the filter notifications.

Wiring diagrams

Via potential-free output contact

The output contacts of most ventilation systems are potential-free, allowing a direct connection to the Niko sensor module.

Connect contact 1 on the Niko sensor module to the output on the ventilation system that signals when the filter is dirty, as shown in the wiring diagram.


Via 230 V or 12/24 V output contact

If the contacts of your ventilation system are not potential-free, you additionally need an appropriate potential-free contact module.

Connect contact 1 on the Niko sensor module to the output on the ventilation system that signals when the filter is dirty, as shown in the wiring diagram.

230 V output contact

12/24 V output contact


*230 V to potential-free contact module (e.g. Finder


*12 V to potential-free contact module (e.g. Finder or 24 V to potential-free contact module (e.g. Finder


Configure the potential-free sensor module and create an informative notification via the Niko Home Control programming software. For more information, see

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