In the Niko Home Control programming software II version 2.x you work with drawn rooms.

What is a room?

You can see a room as a container which comprises all players within that room on the floor plan.

All players that are placed outside the floor plan are put in the room 'Home'.

You draw rooms:

  • on top of the different areas of the imported floor plan, or
  • directly onto the canvas if you do not have a floor plan.

After drawing a room, you assign a name and an icon to it in accordance with the name and function of the room.

The rooms are shown on the touchscreen and in the app with the names and icons chosen.

Advantages of working with rooms

Working with rooms has the following advantages: 

  • When you move a room on the drawing area, you move all players in that room with it.
  • When you place players in a room on the drawing area, they are automatically added to the room on the touchscreen and in the app. The original name of the player is maintained.
  • When you create a basic action for certain players, this action is automatically assigned to the room where the first output player is located.
  • When you create a new player, this player is automatically added to the last room selected.
  • The icon and name chosen are used on the touchscreen and in the app. The same icon will be used for the same room everywhere. This increases the ease of use on the various devices.

When you add a player to the drawing area, choose the room first and then add the player. This way, the player will immediately be in the right room.

Use of rooms on the touchscreen

By default, the rooms appear on the touchscreen in the order in which they were created.

In the Dashboard > Touchscreen profiles > Organise and edit  menu you can set for each touchscreen profile which rooms and actions must be visible on this touchscreen and in what order.

Use of rooms in the app

In the app all rooms are shown alphabetically.

In the Niko Home Control programming software II version 2.x:

  • you cannot change the order of the rooms
  • you cannot hide actions or rooms.

  • No labels